
AuthoredUp 4.4: Saved posts, CSV export and Link cards 🎉


There are features we'd love to have, but they somehow always fall through the cracks. But not any more.

Today, we are excited to roll out three of these:

💾 Saved posts

Ever felt lost trying to find a specific saved post on LinkedIn?

Now, every time you click "Save post" on LinkedIn, it will also show up in AuthoredUp. You'll be able to access them using the same powerful data grid as for your own posts. Searching, filtering, and exporting to CSV are all supported.

And if you already have some posts saved on LinkedIn, you can collect them the same way as your own posts - go to your saved posts page and scroll down.

Never lose a spark of inspiration again. 🪄

AuthoredUp Saved Posts feature - showing all saved posts in the table format

📊 CSV data export

No need for a huge explanation, this is one of the most voted features on our feature board.

Now, you can export all your published posts in a click. Yes, including all stats.

If you are a manager or admin, you can export data for the whole team.

Perfect for those who love to measure, learn, and optimize LinkedIn content. ⤴

CSV export

Did you know that posts with link card tend to perform worse than pure text posts with links? If you do, you probably try to remove link cards before posting. However, LinkedIn makes that a bit fiddly.

AuthoredUp can now help keep link cards dismissed for good. Or even have them not show up at all. You can fully customise this in settings.

Link card - how it works in the AuthoredUp

👀 Other news

We're not just about the big features; we're constantly fine-tuning and squashing bugs to make AuthoredUp even better. 🤓

Some of the stuff we improved:

  • Scheduled videos and other larger content will now show up on the calendar
  • Calendar now marks posts as published even if they haven't been seen in the feed
  • AuthoredUp no longer auto-opens when you publish an article
  • When you quickly click save and then close draft, the content will now be cleared
  • Fix post preview to correctly show "see more".

See you in the feed. 🤗